Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Association Meeting 04/17/12

In case you were filing those last minute taxes and thus could not make it to the PTA meeting tonight... We missed your company, file earlier next time and... Here ya go:

Emerson Students let the association in the Pledge of Allegiance.
We viewed a short (but still awesome) slideshow.

Recording Secretary, Mrs. Michelle Arslan, presented last month's association meeting minutes to be reviewed by a committee of three and submitted for approval. She also presented to the association a board recommendation to increase the Cheesecake/Cookie Dough budget by $7557.50. We sold more cheesecake that we originally budgeted for! It was approved by the association without discussion, nays or abstentions.

President, Mrs. Paula Nathan, updated that Fitness Day raised approximately $13,000 in donations. Thank you for your generosity and support. Prizes have been ordered and will be distributed mid May.
The Limo ride prize (for the Cheesecake/Cookie Dough Fundraiser) will also be taking place mid May.

Spring Book Fair profited $2975.00. Thank you again for your support and a special shout out to Auditor and Book Fair Chair, Mrs. Michelle Worden and all the wonderful volunteers who continue to make this possible for our children.

The Emerson Wild West Carnival will be held on June 2nd. Pre-paid tri-tip, bbq chicken and potato dinner plates will be available. This year we will also be hosting a Crafter's Corner. 10'x10' booths are available for $40.

Mrs. Nathan also had the opportunity to attend the Sacramento Safari, an event for the 33rd district held in the State Capital. The 33rd district is comprised of PTA's from southern California, the majority of Los Angeles county with the exception of LAUSD. 69 people were in attendance with about half being high school students learning about advocacy. She prepared a powerpoint presentation to share her experience. Boldly decorating the wall of a meeting room was the quote:  "Participation in the rights of citizenship presumes participation in the duties of citizenship".

PTA supported legislation can be viewed in depth HERE on CAPTA.org

Here are the realities of California Education:
- 47th in per student spending
- 50th in class size
- In 3 years we've seen over $20 BILLION cut from education
- Over $9 BILLION in deferred payments owed to schools
- Over 40,000 educators cut
- $2500 less per student spending than the national average
- Only 2% of lottery money goes to schools in a one time lump sum
- Schools are told to plan for worst case scenario
- Schools forced to run with fiscal uncertainty.

Here are the Governor's proposed changes:
- Proposes reshuffling of how money is distributed to schools. 2/3 Unrestricted, 1/3 specific programs.
- Proposed ELIMINATION of second science course requirement for graduation, yet Universities REQUIRE it for admission.
- Proposes to eliminate Due Process before a student is expelled
- Proposed elimination of transitional kindergarten
- Governor proposing a constitutional change to prop 98 to pay for debt services. (I would link this for you but couldn't find anything objective. Please consider doing the research)
- If some legislation does not pass, it will trigger additional cuts of approximately $368 per student.
- Additional cuts could trigger a school year that is THREE weeks shorter, the SHORTEST school year in the WORLD.

California PTA endorses Our Children, Our Future

Executive Vice President, Mrs. Peggy Walker said we will be hosting the E-Waste Recycling Event at Emerson on Saturday, April 21 from 9am-2pm. Volunteers are welcome.

Treasurer's report and Financial Secretary's report were presented by Treasurer, Mrs. Cynthia Antonette. The difference between the beginning balance and ending balance was significant due to the check written to fulfill the commitment of providing ELMOS for every classroom. They have been ordered!
It was moved, seconded and passed to ratify checks 3143-3164. There were 6 deposits made last month.

Vice Presidents Teacher Liaison, Mrs. Nicole Halvorson, presented information regarding our school's winner of the Council PTA District Teacher's Contest. Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Sees! She and her nominating letter will move to the district level where the winner receives a grant for his or her classroom.

Information regarding the Honorary Service awards will come out tomorrow. Nominations will be accepted until April 27th. Teachers, Parents, Staff, anyone who is helping the school can be nominated. Please encourage your student to take the time to nominate someone. More details will be available in tomorrow's packet.

National Teacher Appreciation week is during the first week of May. That is the time that we will be testing so as a school, we will be celebrating our teachers during the week beginning May 14th.

Principal, Mrs. Maggie Kerns presented the State Of The School Address with an accompanying power point. Graphs featured English Language Arts Standards by grade level, Benchmark Book Assessments, Mathematics, Math Facts, and Writing Goals and achievements by trimester.
Campus Improvements include:
- Painted handball backstops
- Replaced kickball backstop
- New PTA storage container
- Repainting of trim and flagpole
- Removal of broken furniture
- Repairing of leaks in staff restrooms
- Replacing patched front windows
- Rewired computer lab
- New project to extend the Kinder Playground

We have received the 2012 Distinguished Schools Award, the LBUSD Growth Award and PTA Recognition for Innovative Projects with the Friday Book Cart Exchange.

Communications Representative, Omar Sekhri from the office of 5th District Councilwoman, Gerrie Schipske, shared several undertakings of the Councilwoman including:
Expansion of the successful fishing line recycling tubes to salt water areas.
Solar Grand Prix held on Sunday, 04/22
The Library Round Up
The 5th Annual Community Baby Shower

Special thanks to Mr. Sekhri for sharing community new with us.

A student asked why computers were still not working even after the lab has been rewired.
A service ticket has been requested to come look at/fix the computers that are not working still.

350 Yearbooks have been ordered and will soon be going on sale for $20. Order Early, we will sell out.

With that, we were adjourned.

Hope to see you next month :)

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